
Hi ! I am Darshan, a postdoctoral reseracher at the Blue Brain Project-EPFL (BBP), Geneva. I construct and simulate detailed mathematical models of biological neurons and glial cells to hypothesize and predict the causes of unanswered biological phenomena.

Research and Education

Prior to joining BBP, I worked as a Research Associate at the Computational Neurophysiology Lab in Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering (BSBE), Indian institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay.

I also did my M.Tech in Biomedical Engineering and PhD in IIT Bombay. My PhD thesis was supervised by Dr. Rohit Manchanda . My Ph.D. work involved the use of computational tools like NEURON and Scilab to model the peripheral sensory neurons – Dorsal Root Ganglion (DRG) Neurons – supplying the urinary bladder. I also worked on computational model of Satellite Glial Cells, the glial cells surrounding the soma of DRG neurons.

I did my undergraduation in Biomedical Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Raipur. I worked in a market research company called MarketRx (now part of Cognizant) training as a market research analyst.


Journal . Conferences

Presentation and Talks

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